

BEAM employs an inquiry-based hands-on method of science learning that focuses on the use of explorations. Using inquiry-based science, students assume the proactive role of scientists by observing the environment around them, asking questions, and conducting experiments to test ideas and verify results.


This inquiry-based method of learning allows students to strengthen important communication and collaboration skills through discussing, reading, writing, and even drawing together.  Furthermore, inquiry-based learning allows students to strengthen their math skills through measuring, graphing, adding and subtracting. 


Science instruction is incorporated in Curiosity Corner for K4 students and KinderCorner for K5 students. 


Delta Science Modules is used in 1st through 5th grade classrooms at BEAM.  Teachers implement various modules to teach physical, life, and earth sciences at all grade levels. 


Earth Science:

First Grade - Finding the Moon; Sunshine and Shadow

Second Grade - Soil Science; Weather Watching

Third Grade - Dinosaurs and Fossils; Water Cycle

Fourth Grade - Earth Movements; Solar System; Weather Instruments

Fifth Grade - Erosion; Pollution; Rock and Minerals 


Physical Science:

First Grade - Investigating Water; Properties

Second Grade - Force and Motion; Sound

Third Grade - Amazing Air; Electrical Circuits; States of Matter

Fourth Grade - Magnets

Fifth Grade - Flight and Rocketry; Simple Machines 



Life Science:

First Grade - From Seed to Plant; Observing an Aquarium

Second Grade - Butterflies and Moths; Classroom Plants

Third Grade - Insect Life; Plant and Animal Populations

Fourth Grade- Animal Behavior; Food Chains and Webs; Plant and Animal Life Cycles

Fifth Grade - Pond Life; You and Your Body


Using the Holt Science Plus curriculum, Junior Academy lessons are based on the Wisconsin State Standards for Science Instruction.  Instruction addresses content and performance standards in the following areas:


  • Science Connections
  • Nature of Science
  • Science Inquiry
  • Physical Science
  • Earth and Space Science
  • Life and Environmental Science
  • Science Applications
  • Science in Personal and Social Perspectives