
Teachers bring BEAM to life. Your enthusiasm and devotion to the students and colleagues is truly a differentiator for this school. Hear what your colleagues have to say about why they value working at BEAM:


“At BEAM if you need help with something you can ask someone and, if that person can't help, they will find someone who can.  You are not an island at BEAM.” 

- Danielle S.


“The key to my success at BEAM is daily perseverance and making a fresh start each and every day."

- Lynda P.


“BEAM is a great place to work under the leadership of Mr. Butler.  He supports his staff entirely to ensure student success.  I believe in BEAM and I am excited to see what the future holds as we grow.”

- Amber K.


“The non-verbal cues BEAM has developed for student and teacher use aide our K4 children in becoming better visual learners and, consequently, transitions them into being listening learners as well.  The skill of listening is key for our 4-year old students turning 5 in the school year: listening and following directions are main character education components we visit throughout the year...and a joy to watch as they grow into understanding and expectations.”

- Anne E. 


"One of my favorite teaching quotes is - "The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires".  In teaching, you have many goals that you want to accomplish.  Here at BEAM, we combine high expectations with a supportive environment.  We guide our students so they may reach their highest possible achievements."  

- Samantha V.


“One of my favorite teaching quotes is - "Education is not filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire" by William Butler Yeats.  As a teacher I have always wanted my students to be excited about learning and have the will to do better and learn more.  I have been allowed and encouraged to do that at BEAM.  I cherish the smiles on their faces when they accomplish something they thought was to hard for them.”

- Audrey W. 




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